What's A Great Outing On a Freezing Day?                                   ... the New York Transit Museum

What's A Great Outing On a Freezing Day? ... the New York Transit Museum

There is something about public transportation that really excites young children. I remember my nursery school students who took the Metro bus to school every day who never got over how thrilling it was. Years back, when the DC Metro system still made use of "transfers" children would proudly show off their daily tickets when they arrived at school. Somehow that shared commuting experience on a large vehicle never failed to exhilarate them.

On a recent frigid Saturday (think polar vortex) I set out to test my two and a half-year-old granddaughter's interest in public transportation by visiting the New York Transit Museum in Downtown Brooklyn. Frankly, it was the closest indoor outing her mother, and I could think of on that extremely cold day.

Even though my granddaughter rides a bus or subway daily, her enthusiasm for the twenty stationary cars in the museum was unwavering. Whether sitting in the bus driver's seat or moving about the buses and subway cars at her leisure, she was enthralled by the offerings of the museum. Everything was fascinating to her, from the antique turnstiles to the old-timey photographs and advertisements.

Maybe it was the fact that her mother and I were relaxed and enjoying the history and facts displayed in the various exhibits and or that she was free to explore the subway cars and museum on her own terms. It certainly felt different from experiencing the daily subway ride as a passenger who must hold hands and be jostled on and off when our stop arrives.

If you are looking for a fun place to explore, indoors and underground (it was an actual 1936 subway station), I recommend checking it out.

The museum regularly schedules family programs, like tomorrow’s - February 7, 2019, 10:15am - 11:15 story time and map making for tots. Check the website for the schedule of other upcoming family events.

Have fun and enjoy the ride! And do tell us about transportation museums in your city or town.

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